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Wild Mustangs Racing to the Water Hole

I waited by the water hole in the evening, and sure enough, they came. First I saw the dust plume in the distance, which I mistakenly believed to be a car on the dirt road. But gradually that dust plume moved closer, and suddenly, there were the wild horses (wild Mustangs), running in. What a beautiful sight as they thundered towards me!

From Wikipedia: “The mustang is a free-roaming horse of the American west that first descended from horses brought to the Americas by the Spanish. Mustangs are often referred to as wild horses, but because they are descended from once-domesticated horses, they are properly defined as feral horses. The free-roaming mustang population is managed and protected by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). Controversy surrounds the sharing of land and resources by the free-ranging mustangs with the livestock of the ranching industry, and also with the methods with which the federal government manages the wild population numbers.”

Photo taken on June 6th, 2018, in NW Colorado.

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